who dames and gentlemen boys and girlsof all ages get Uncle Michael here today the man the superstition the mythology we’re aboutto do person lighter with your fuzz all right one city one attend a little betteryou know I bet you expended like 25 times trying to get your hair perfect for thislive we’re gonna get right to it we’ve been uh I didn’t have time to edit lastnight or make a video yesterday cuz I’ve been super busy bog and so we’regonna live unboxing today and this $2400 TV accurate you know look at thatthat goes to that we’re starting off right now with the closed box anythingis ooh I like when it says Neiman Marcus come onbrand new Gucci please mmm no it’s Michael Jordan Uncle Mike yourclothes space style my course there was a sign oh why can’t it hi Michaeloh my I thought that was like – Michael Jordan is that – Michael Jordan gotta beI don’t know who knows get another notebook Lombardy form that’s a good book MTVUnplugged first edition I want to look this one out bawl me because it’s thefirst edition yeah unplugged I retain he probably don’t ever watch MTV UncleMichael Judy says hello so what time the treasure hunters let you good thetreasure has to let me go to bed last-place darknes 1:00 in the morning you guysmissed that I was living a life in the broker hustlers last night on semi during mylife what the heck do you know I’m live it’s a good MBA of 15 that one’s sealedthis one huh let me see both these these what cuz that needles a ornament these arenot yeah these are going on eBay pile let me framed the whole box aside thoseones we’re gonna load those ones we’re gonna go take the flea market these onesare all right that’s a nice pillow you wanna bringthat home he says H e double hockey affixes oohcome on old ones can you get him without spillingcome on Mickey Mantle rookie who these are older these was like 70 s right heregood one ah nobody’s her 80 s 84 look at that JoseCanseco rookie card he’s been a favorite player right there ha haLarry Johnson I desire Larry Johnson what do we got now ray person appear they’regoing Mike you want that one you probably only one of the only beings inthe world would appreciate that no I intend there’s probably like three threeof you Raider fans there’s you Jack and there’s gotta be at least one other lookat these these are staying at set aside to what you’re these 1981 so we have todo a little bit of research learn what cards we might have these look likethey’re in great shape and it also because if you remember see in the BHall painting meets me wonder if there’s gonna be some good athletics memorabilia inone of these containers here we go is that Phil vilapandohe’s the Raiders player all right let’s set this whole box aside – it’s almostas old-time as him well you are eligible to keep that one he’s younger than me he’s younger thanyou oh I wasn’t “re saying he” probably is who another container and some boots what do wegot here some Bushnell there’s one more box of placards and a few more that help keep it extending let’s keep it flown speeda service now we don’t get to revise this out and take out the boring distinguishes inbetween each recollect though he’s used to have that pager eight four zero sixeight one one are you always gonna give you a number out ooh 1971 now we’re talkinglook at this Larry Brown there’s a Larry Brown of us boasts announcer on my tripin the own on the greatest crews of all time right there future Super Bowl teamthis year ooh look at that Fred Biletnikoff nice look at that DarrellDemonica that’s a Raider player I is a well-known fact that I retain Grammy used to like himshe always talked about him all right this is a good box we’ll save all ofthese yes we’ll determine these digression what a good way to start this off I like itwe’re done with that all right this can all go back in there yeah no I took thebooks out there I liked was everybody up to you this morning hello from Wisconsinhello from Thailand tiling in the house waiting for Makayla to tell me that theyhooked the washer and dryer up and everything’s all good hello from RhodeIsland what’s up Rob yeah I had her stay at home to meet the washer and dryerpeople that’s but what is the best buy yeah Best Buy what’s up Veronica what’sup Irene Irene says hello Uncle Mike wade in the house with that emoji what’sup well don’t forget lane it’s gonna be on my live this Sunday Wade and thrifttrader will be joining Alex Jack and I on my live this Sunday so selling yourcalendars I’ll get that up tonight so we can have a link to share aroundhey everybody has are we doing up there I think you aim how New York City the manthe myth the mythology require well yeah I know but we got it we got to go throughboxes we got to keep this live exciting the work requires like non-stop action there’sopen carton open container I’m trying to school my uncle my try tobe a youtuber hello storage auction pirate hi from the UK what’s upElizabeth that’s a little heavy you want me to get it alright yeah that’s kind ofalmost exciting hello from Atwater Uncle Mike get to work seacobra says get towork I study Cobra is a man but you can callhim Heidi if you just wanted to you ho what’s up snugs it looks like the garage container ifpeople preserve good things in the garage look there’s a frog I can see that goinggood one of your bushes at home a artillery shoots liquid yeah I envision Tinawould like that I was hoping to get wide direction on the iPhone 11 here today butthey wouldn’t I can’t anatomy how to obligate the wide direction study your interests atheart is that a paperweight no it could be aTV thing license plate a cherry-red container we got it looks cool is that money bag it’s acar thing when purchasing a auto not rousing hello from Palestine alwayswish you good luck thank you toto nice I visualize a case HBO will specify that one aswell this goes in my pile of TV memorabiliaoh it’s broken you’re gonna need that could be used to you cry a lot Uncle Mike hi Mikefrom the UK sorry was a bit late I’d rather you be better late than neverSnoopy I like that that’s kind of cool it’s got a messed up arm but that’salright we’ll just leave that in there cuz we can already see it and that’salready there let’s see that blood-red chest though come on jewelry box is it heavy shake itwhoo promising are the way around that’s the hinge right there J and H cools just some good old boys nevermissing the thing this is this is worth itall right that carton is done I’ve got some CDs hereSabrina Atlantic star that one of your straps residence for Mike yeah I know UncleMichael loves Motown you guys Diana Ross bTW jazz jolly wife adoration that movieshout out to that jolly maid right there had a big crush on her back in theday everything is peachy in Atlanta Beatles I adore the Beatles easy salethose are good those are actually CDs I questioned more than one dollar that’sprobably like a four or five dollar bill readily and we got VHS strips not excitedpillows two domes to glass in a scene do we want to look in there whoops Ibroke it I interrupt it not too excited to look in this trunkwith let’s go ahead and look in this trunk looks like some we’ve had aproblem with this unit and I think somewhere along the line either somebodywent through it at the at the company or the owner came in and wanted to gettheir stuff out but everything had like an open feel you appear you see it likethat’s obviously been levered open at some time and cartons were like this likesomebody opened it etc etc uncle my extends daddy this could I get a good thumbnailface from you like you know thumbnail pose like there you go that’s gonna bethe thumbnail after videos over or just like this these stems don’t sell that’s1 5 bucks in a perfect world come on baby stuff and looks like a goodChristmas sweater for you all right this delayed should stay by itself the moderntechnology yes strong arm that private our mother’s lord says that littleboys are fix oh that’s you should put that in your bedroom on your feature of bedoh there we go and there’s a girl one two now I kind of liked it I nearly wantto keep that because it’s both let’s rattle let’s prevent this instead as a sideI could see this going in my kitchen I didn’t want to get I didn’t I’m tryingto keep the positive yearning pronouncement things going in my house allright that’s cool that’s better than good-for-nothing$ 8 an old-time antique robes do wegot here I guess we go up this one now well that’s what slow you can low-pitched when Istart going through these I’m gonna threw these on a tripod oh all right that fouror five or that box this one searches kind of boring by the words on it but let’sstill do it fragile it’s like you it’s like youfragile look at Uncle Michael friends connivesheets Oh sheet please be something extremely valuable and fragile not justfraud is that potpourri yeah some type of fortunes 218 watching your channelhas grown thank you mother mother’s mustache yeah we’ve home thatWaterford I can’t see oh yeah our direct has been doing well we’re justabout to strike 70,000 sub soon Uncle Michael opens his knife like I do bossthat’s kind of cool approximately has that princess house glance but that’s notprincess house there’s four like quartz no depression yeah it doesn’t feel eliciting desire watching your videos from Englandthank you Mark Jones mother’s mustache as a handsy okay I’m gonna try toremember don’t get mad at me cuz I am horrendous with namesI exactly I’m still sometimes I forget my children’s lists just kidding I don’tI’m atrocious with epithets it takes me a long time I’ve been wanting to see howthese arches came out was waiting to see how what’s up Manny one say hello to manyou’ll come back good morning Manny well has a littleclose-up on you there we roughly participated in your nosewhat ooh that’s kind of cool too a porcelain doll looked like she’s sadwith those ruptures on her heart wow it’s glass her eyes don’t open she’sclose what’s made a play as nuts in it or something of that sort is it Ithink looks like a pillow underneath their crappy lamp well these are cute look at that they’reon love they have Steiff do we have a littlething in the angle here no I wouldn’t leave those but I would like to take alook at these well we’re gonna sell them tomorrow that’s the whole goal here allright I’m gonna uh okay there all right I’m gonna go through these boxes hereuncle Michael where you start loading up some nonsense I’ve already been doing allthe lading on this morning what you were late can we see this right here yesthere we go all right I contemplate I’ll be keeping that one Christmas ornaments Ilike Disney my entirety tree is generally be done in order to only Disney some of these lookkind of old like almost like to think of uranium in the editorial or certain styleof these aged Christmas ornaments they were able to have quality believe it or not likesome of them like you get a box of like eight bulbs in a carton from the fiftiesyou end up with so much that one’s all sparkly oh yes look at this oh that onegoes home with me no I exclusively do Disney on my Christmas treewe got Pluto we got goofy I’ll do this will you preserve lading Oh for Mikebecause you came work here formerly you get some of these other chests down he goesup to them Snoopy is almost dismissed I might save that the turtle just so youguys know the turtle always vanquishes the hare look at these decorates I’m roused nowbecause uh I’m trying to get a big tree cuz I have a tall roof of my living roomnow Pinocchio Oh Paddington Bear look atthis I get excited over the stupid stuffit’s not even about money to me and some more about what kind of stuff my lifewily coyote oh my this is so going home with me we got was that Lucy she’s Moodyshe’s like my least favorite Charlie Brown carotenoids movies everybody ohyes like alright that was a good carton thought it or not I are truly sellthis Christmas ornament off probably for 30 or 40 horses just like just as it sitsright here Michael need some flare trash come on beat more Disney Disney but wegot the cool little old-time bulbs now that’s like breaking nonsense that looks a lot like arad Co right there rad clothes particularly pricey I’m not examine I can’t just go toeach one of those what’s that now mother box opened up love to you RonnieI enjoy records let’s see what we got now is impossible to envision those yesHawaiian greatest hits Elvis rat this is probably a $10 record right here on eBayyes at the Gucci Tire side Queen probably a $10 record Rick SpringfieldRod Stewart Fleetwood Mac Ramsey and Nancy Uncle Mike we’re gonna need somemore chests and soon some need to get up here and get some of that down I’m gonnaneed some more containers doesn’t go through soon yeah you’re not preserve up yes Billy Joe okay now let’s just now finda good one Sinatra these other ten dollar recordyou want to hear yes I got my Disney ones loosely these things sold thisrecord about a thousand times Styx Fleetwood Mac what do we got hereBilly Joel who misleads and Chong look at thatyeah Dave ain’t here man the what Uncle Michael the rolling paperfor the big cigarette yeah yeah look at thatthere it is that’s money passion cheating sorry appearance to get wheeled a bigcigarette with it yeah that’s a good album right thereJanis Joplin that’s a good one the Woodstock that does about 20 bucksgenerally fair market value well we got Barbra Streisand sluggish seller the Beatlesat the Hollywood Bowl there we go that’s what we want to see is the Beatles the mangos over here rocking outThree Dog Night John Juan Hernandez Joan can I travel see if that’s actually signedby the person Willie Nelson the very best to share your Superman movie therewe go Michael Jackson Thriller one of the bestmusicians of all time in my hearts all right huge collecting of Records yes Mach one private captain trend sosomebody was training to be a pilot want apples on your tree no I simply doDisney this could be a Hebe Adam I don’t know have to look that up okay now music Sinatra man and hismusic okay this is good these right here these reel to reelsthese could do good money on eBay this one here is Frank Sinatra hopefullywe find something more Nancy Wilson 15 to 20 horses I would imagine on these they’re playing our songal Hart graduate verb Albert that’s jazz this is interesting anybody know these carols right here hopefully won’t request Mike we’ll have usa box now ready soon these merely by themselves can actually sell orrepurpose reusing purposes another one and we’ll prepared those digression these are allgood actually that is all okay so we’re gonna designated those Beatles regal decide youguys start our eBay box here we already got one what do we got hereSinatra at the sands Frank Sinatra all the way the best of King Cole net hassome good records but the best trashes don’t usually do very wellSinatra lies don’t do very well now yeah right there Willie Nelson this is apicture disc they announce him that’s got to be 20 bucks minimum almost every picturediscs start out at 20 horses that’s a good fine make money all right even tried to make it easy onyou and I gingerbread live let’s see specific comments we got now Marnie just gotshe just got affection from Mike well you got there at the gingerbread house one eachyear at yes we did we’re good we’re good like thathey there Ansley that’s guard heist or stalkers Alex in the house my sidekick Alexhe came on instead of calling me when I croaked live youngster I know he got anotification good morning where you at Alex we’re over here at my storage unitme and Uncle Michael wheel article and yes mother’s mustache Ansley what isthat a nutcracker ooh that’s the appoint that you guys sold abunch of recently remember oh yeah yeah I might hinder that from my house whereyou think that would go good with Mike I don’t have one of those I have a lot todecorate inside so let’s hinder that one for the house and then we’ll sell whenChristmas is over you know what I been fucking loving pinochle Mike let’s not shed himaway we’re gonna we’re gonna impel the manager upset Vasudhaall right huge collect of Records salutis days chilly yes ma’am at hisIMVU keep up the good work East Coast auction pirate I adoration thename wall decoration do you say cheese that necessitates ponderous if you need me to hoist it upnext time I will $40 Fuli that’s from the very first FarmAid concert on HBO brother Mike at storage auctioneer Pyatt what is that oh ohyes look at that what is that Uncle Mike no no what isthat you don’t know let’s take a minute to examine that that is a couple hundredbucks right there you know why that’s Gucci that’s original yield Guccicould we examine let’s get we’re not done its consideration of this matter the handbag itself is itsoriginal Gucci look at that performed in Italynow we’re talking what’s that one I can be found in themnothing not worthington much come on jewelry no all right party lightthat’s party like two we don’t need to look in there and we don’t need to lookat this consider some of this art I’ll be your halo that’s looking this ones herethese are this is junk over here that’s Jeff junk junk party like that’s partylike two we don’t need to look in there it’s just a standard party sun candleburning material Gucci yes I affection Gucci come on million to our decorate noZiller No Tucker up or what’s up chum what areyou doing that is a nice Gucci no don’t take a personal we don’t want to showthat hey Mike hey Uncle Mike what’s up Tom H I’m going to my first storageauction today at 3:00 defendant ignite that’s good for eBay but it’s just it’s notimpressive you can go on you can go on party beacons website and ensure all thatstuff I’m burn out of party light-colored personalnope that is a print Willie and Waylon on the brothers immense now I have rockytheme song I adore rocky didn’t know your mouthand I don’t want that in my bathroom Michael you know I’m exceedingly picky what’sup Alan this is a decent unit so far no on that what’s this we already lookingthis one yeah okay all right we’re done at this box personal photo you have given me agolden treasure of friendship originating through the season that’s how I feelabout all you guys that’s how I feel about every one of you guys I require itthe Gucci I don’t know what the Gucci is worth yetwhat’s up Leroy from Spain this is a decent unit so far yeah this one is agood this person wielded a bit back biography on this part such person or persons workedfor I judge at one point he was the president of Comcast or he was one ofthe top people of Comcast back in the 80 s I recollect or late early 90 s then hebecame individual in Showtime HBO etc etc so there’s a lot of trash that ismind-boggling that he could potentially be veryimportant in certain things that Gucci is actually really cool hey Tuckeryeah the TV’s we gotta get rid of him exactly announcing nonsense online carrying daytune in to see some claims what’s up there yeah I’m hoping we’re gonna findsomething good this is what we got vanishing I move this all from the moving companyjust rectified it in this public storage you know we talked about how you get extraspace the other day this unit costs me 56 bucks for the entire month at the dollarspecial this is nice I envisage I just sold a Gucci like this the other yesterday oneBay that’s got to be a little bit of coin I’m not sure I’m gonna speculatesomewhere in the 50 to 200 dollar straddle he’s got a little where you had a breathUncle Mike I already laded the first half the trailer for you Uncle Michaelwe don’t cuss the scrapping palette mortal says bro you’re the hardest working manon YouTube he’s talking to me not you Uncle Mike no individual got it stuck inuncle Michaels head that he’s the hardest-working man in America and it’slike a toss-up between Uncle Michael and I you don’t want to go that lampshade nono we needn’t we need some boxes we need to go through some stufflet’s go through these ones now like this all this right here dish compress Iguess we can go through those I’ll make that and merely pick one and go throughthem we got one down occasion right now I would want Tucker says he wants you onhis crew junk drawer waste doors shape me every time I think of a garbage drawer Iremember my mommy used to have that locker up in Guerneville in thebathroom that we could just go through next to the toilet or a little junkdrawer cabinet that could be what’s it now ooh oh I thought that was silver fora second that’s still cool look at that bone handle neat stainless Germany sothat manufactures it good it’s Germany’s always better than like a East Germany WestGermany claw TRO read nice that’s Tucker’s uppers claim today UncleMike this seems kind of boring doesn’t it yeah that’s like somebody took theirjunk drawer hurled it in a cabinet Uncle Michael is interrupting a sweat you’reright Suzanne Tucker if you live closer I can rope you Uncle Michael will pullthat out better flea market but I don’t feel like there’s gonna be great stuffin there Judy how the artwork is closed – just leave that right there a sidethat’s gonna go remember we’re saving delightful nonsense maybejust a sense only welcome Michael let’s just worry about that subsequentlies I knowbut when you’re doing that we have nothing to film and then it gets boringeverybody’s like you’re on and they want to leave us forget about we got about 28 instants more and it’s live and then we will time bang through it at that maybemake a couple videos garbage drawers are always fun wow there’s a big junk draweryeah we got maps Haga michael still abuses a MacBook silverlook at that sterling silver-tongued consortium neat this this let’s see if there’s more sitover there look at that that’s not a terribly petitioning position generally I’m luckyto do I get scrapped on my silver-tongued candlesticks are very repetitious salesyou can leave them on eBay for a very long time and sell them then it’s allpaperwork alright don’t take a personal we will but we need to get chests going to empty tote of get the share button onthis video what we’re going right now be nice only kind of swipe down hitting theshare button let everybody know we’re live ooh that’s almost cute what is itcan we see the bottom that’s cheap it’ll have one of those washboard bowlsyou know not if that’s the washboard bolingbroke is the way they compress theypacked looks just like you Uncle Mike on they burst it you don’t divulge no sweats exclusively thingI break is a sweat if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard Uncle Michael saythat and 30 years of moving furniture with him I will leave Uncle Mike what isthe leading rate Suzanne wants to know what it cost the least it depends onwhat she wants me to do for one and he says a duo hundred dollars a dayI think Mary Harris would lease Uncle Mike firstly let’s move on well we got a five no moresuper chat I didn’t see that “wheres” we now of this super chat I don’t wantto miss it what is that best that is not cool itcould be and it could be not as missing it don’t even have a head there’s two ofthem what are these they’re headless looks like a lamp no that’s a neatlooking vase don’t break it Uncle Michael goodmorning good morning sorry I’m late not what you want to hear a woman say forthe first thing in the morning Brenda shoutout to you would have$ 5 super Chadlet’s see what’s on the bottom I know ooh it’s indicated are you able turn it overFrank no Steve K Benji if you’re if you’rewatching can you yield us some information on there they stand in front of your couch and itlooks like they got their head down being penalized I retain what they Idon’t matter what they call him Lee you leaned those dolls against the present Groucho Marx my being depends on what shewants him to do ooh there we go come on what’s in there let’s open it oh don’ttease them ooh what do we got here anything like aMickey Mouse that looks like possible amber we got a Zodiac automatic thismight be good it’s got a number here at the end which is really good that was aRolex we’ll make it real this could be a good watch I don’t know so we have tohave that appeared out placed it on a good collection mm-hmm now you go binky do youneed that Uncle Michael mmm got a we got a projectile dispenser right there orprojectile for a projectile dispenser we got a belt there’s another one to pace acolor you’d like that what look at that it’s a tooth thatcould be gold right there oh yeah I look I know uh they will havegood backs if they are gold fill but that’s still I have to have that lookedat or at least google it when we’re done here look at that character boy scout youknow thanks all right keep it coming my neighbour has them outside they’revintage like Tucker said it’s gold dude has some good trash though I’m likingthe vase yeah I have to this appears personal those two dolls around my earson for around 50 to choo $100 I cannot sell them for thatthey call him the pouty babes oh they worded them after you uncle Michael yeahfind me something burnished plagiarist glad to see you’re doing well friend amen tothat let’s see those opal mine whoo come on Ijust skip whatever that was I like containers no not this one right oh that is goodlook at that Givenchy Givenchy is a good person right here well I wouldn’t sayit’s a good person but you got to buy a Givenchy shirt nowadays you’re lookingat some money can you simulate this personal Michael look at this girls andgentlemen looky now are you able open it up and show us that is nice she told alittle clutch purse what’s the tag say this is real oh yeah nice vintage Guccishout-out to Gucci we’re making money now oh boyI’m roused not bad for a gone through box freedom what do we got therevented that is really a cool ogle this is the kind of Ralph Lauren vintageRalph Lauren right there that’s a few dollar purse there for sure that willnot go to the flea market tomorrow or we will only give it to our handbag lady wehave a person dispenser that looks like a pocketbook come on be something amazing bethe firstly Gucci ever open up I got you I can see it that’s nothingthis one capability you can open it up is that unzip it a congregate each others use thezipper antico Lee represented in Italy I just wanted to said this one back will have thatlooked at yeah and this one this looks like your standard leather handbag fromback in the day Aetna agna watch box wish we got to get into the bottom ofthis box we just looked at that we have love letters come on please be a goldOmega watch I know they’re somewhere in this unit is the what what was a watchcollection we found that Gucci watch box oh it’s alright that carton right therethis box is worth 20 bucks on eBay as a planned because Omega is it okay you guysjust see that Uncle Michael sweat actually slipped from his forehead wewant to get to the bottom s box a little bit more so let’s get down therethat is good unzip it GTE championship look at that what is that is that racingI don’t know either that looks nice just go in here let’s see a little moreit’s not whoo-hoo a fete turner broadcasting systems quarterly invitesyou to affiliates the first time remembrance CNN 1981 Wow what’s thatthis box is getting good American League champs okay let’s see what do we gothere we got a look at each one to see what we got it’s not a good brand no nota good firebrand here I get him sit aside don’t shrimp i multitask is another onethose at knee Agner I’m gonna have those hooked up obligated in Italy will have thatlook down yeah we found to Gucci though so that’s not bad Andy oh there’s oh Ihave a feeling of something gonna be in the bar but we got to keep going on thisone no it’s a global mic we got a a singing French zodiac is apretty high-end brand finally something shiny thanks for to our super chat shesaid she said scrap and Palamon for 777 plagiarists of all ages okay the secret ofsuccess is constant constancy to purpose benjamin disraeli a win teamacquires a triumph chairwoman adoration that this presentation is giving with affectionthe to mr.Hippo a champion president and friend Black Hawk cable communicationsalright we’re getting somewhere again we’re getting into TV trash another one your lead and dedicationteleprompter firm write more TV Allotments I get happy when you read mymessage aha I try to read them all Miguel get your is made us fasten what’sin these little wrapping and things it could be something good she’s worthfinding such a good stuff big-hearted kiss of Portugal love letters I desire loveletters if the shoe fits wear it I’m looking for the one with the glassslipper newborn good you could be my Cinderella oohthere we go that’s a Vaseline glass or whether I forget the exact honour off thetop of my leader you kept that in a backlight it glows it’s not a specialone “its probably” 15 dollars but that’s still pretty nice compared towhat a lot of things and the glass will go for man can’t see on the coast I think it’san perseverance contest I envision mmm I’m not astonished with that Uncle Mikesaid my figure I’m far-famed Ola pirate waiting for you in Hawaii I don’t have Iwish I can go to Hawaii represented in Occupied Japan by Pico that is good occupy Japanis always better than regular Japan nothing special now uranium there you goDanny no not special thank youhe said it’s cute are we good on that one mmm flip out what Stan all right I thinkwe’re good on this one how you have the Internet to stream no why doesn’t openuncle Mike didn’t open you are still alive where’s the salt princess she’swaiting for the washer and dryer people to come deliver our washer and dryer webought he didn’t say my name and he said hola instead of Aloha Shari grantJohnson I defend this all this right herethis this this not these purses that right there these purses here that boxthe doll this is a Givenchy yeah city of tuckson public follower all right we’regood there what does zodiac watch extend what there’s a little watch head heredid you introduced it back in all right it was right here I think youjust swooped it up it was right there yeah you moved it somewhere it’s veryimportant here this I noticed it very good this can go in simply outfit all rightthese are all things we need good some good material at that container guys we got thiswas an all right decent purse this was Givenchy vintage this Zodiacwatch should have been able some ethic it said that’s automatic we’ll see if it worksokay it’s not working what is it this No the love letters yes then we gotmade in Italy purse we got the ei purse we got another EApurse vaseline glass 40 bucks Thank You Benji maybe one of those cartons under theTV there and the other two cool items are this Ralph Lauren purse and look atthis damsels it and we got a second Gucci purse I like this one cause this one’straditional the Gucci that’s a few few bucks right there look at Uncle Michaelhard at work guys we got a whole load leading halfway on the trailer right heremy claiming my declaration watching tired and the Sun can’t beat yeslove it trying to keep up with these comments is just almost impossible youare still alive yes I am how was how you have the internet to stream cakzi I’m onmy phone iPhone 11 Pro what up storage pyre the recruitment and Uncle Mike how are youdoing today love your videos I need you be then I need to be buyingyour vaseline glass what’s the best storage “youve had” right now the beststorage I have is the one with the skill that I’m about to sell we’ll give thoseback to the owner that’s personal stuff when I bought for 3,800 I’m close tomaking a deal on closing the deal and moving forward my best unit my secondbest is the one I transmitted I sold recently bought for 7,000 I made a little bit ofmoney not quite what I envisioned but determined coin it topped my $26,000 safewhich was my individual single best revenue margin on a storage section what isthat I was hoping it was like a amber watch or you liking huh hello greetingswhere where are my future grandchildren Brenda bodwin wants to a boat winning baudwhen I hope I enunciated your identify right two dollars super chaste she wants toadopt me Uncle Michael she craves she needs grandchildren so she said she’lladopt me and then my teenagers could be your grandchildren that Gucci purse is thebig what is that what’s the figurehead of I won’t see the autographsJohn C Fremont junior high school class in 1964 were you in this one you were four yearsold in 1964 plagiarist you are so cute my daughter came home the other day fromthe inlet 198 th one mode to the high-pitched/ low Alaska Hilo Alaska Airlines you could doit I’ll have to check that out Shari Grande Johnson pirate I thought you hadbetter appointed handbags and items on the online auction penalizes did did four versewhat the hell yeah I did have some great purses on there trust me I had sent alot of great purses here i am rubbed a button in small circles bluegrass yo yoyo what up Alex overweight husband he was on the line last nighttime too with the treasurehustlers are no censored live we got three hundred and forty fivepeople watching off you guys can kindly affect the share button on this video Iwould appreciate it appreciate it applauded the fact I stole that from Alex andLiz what was this once a knick knackskitchen dining room so this has a chance to be in something decent what do youthink we got a about 10 times left in this live maybe a little bit more Ican’t go on forever I is more likely to cinema a video today that boos black sesame an apple a epoch keeps the doctor away voices cracked you must attack this boxup rays like how you sit high low-spirited remedy it isn’t high-pitched low-grade a nature missile Ilove mettles this one’s not looking to extend to me you want to uh well yeah wegot we’ll have Tony go through that one want to do that wardrobe maybe and thenafter that the Wardrobe maybe we give him a sneak peek in the one we’re alsoworking on here across the way did you guys set celebration moves together no oh oh yeah that’s one of our haters whiteyand Vermont he’s always on YouTube HaydenI won’t block him because I don’t let him bother me I like him to be able torant everybody demonstrate whitey and Vermont a hug he needs it really bad I don’t Mikelet’s do that wardrobe haters are just misguided suitors theydid not get enough love in “peoples lives” in their childhood and they just need loveto change their highways you’re impede the whole casket Uncle Mike where’s that Rolexcrown be awesome stay awesome do your thing talk to you last-minute all right scrapand pallet man I gotta have you on one of my life-times oh human I got a couple thenext couple weeks booked out but I’m hoping you’ll come on one of my lives ona Sunday buddy do you think any of those garbs fit you ooh we are going to get downthere I see anything I witness possible as movers we know exactly what we like tolook in a container all ornaments these could be good shoes danke Michaels so let’s thinkpositive they could be Gucci that’s not goodNine West not good life stride these are really in my area these are hard to selleverybody’s outs at the flea market selling shoes like that aerosols nopenothing hit a wax you all going to hell Uncle Mikemm they say constructed in Italy on them I consider elector established in Italy sub sub canit Canada loves you I adoration Canada mmm no once again boring wowzers all right heyJax I’m live right now I’m to call you back I’m live on YouTube did she go tothe bank maybe oh I don’t know I haven’t seen her more this morning all right nothing exciting all right so Uncle Mike I say we givethem a little sneak peek and go through a marry things over here in this unitcuz it’s about an hour and we want to wrap this live up we don’t want to be onforever anybody have any questions anybody want to make any comments onthat on that unit no we have look we can’t onhat we don’t inhale cigarettes on camera Oh Michael we already know that that’sthe beauty of filming he can’t fume his cigarettes chain-smoke one after anotherhi Mike and Uncle Mike inspection so heated that it’s very cold in the UK moment greatyou know love the Gucci pouches don’t try to come to a wait that costly okaycheck this out guys I bought this yesterday this is a little sneak peekI’m not gonna give you too much but your best friend does drop races people announce himand this gentleman passed away he has three storage forces they paid him totake this cell but me being the person I am if I was at an auctioneer and somebodysaid this person passed away the first thing I’m gonna do is think I want thisunit even though he was paid to move this contingent I basically applied him $300 for this unit this is a very good bag I think it’s this Pony Express Iknow Uncle Mike I look back this yesterday the bag itself is coldsomebody will buy that paw that in the region of their living room or somethingI bought this division for $300 off of your best friend we’re giving that to the bosslady she wants that who the boss right here the first thing I verified when I lookedin here with this brand new craftsman belt and instruct sander it looks like aperson to me who did like some type of fixing of things he was into possiblyhad a great garage he has two more cells somewhere that he will probably end upgetting I might buy those too but I watched fishing poles it’s a 10 by 30 you see ifyou carbon date the dirt to me you carbon appointment that that’s about seven toten years right there in merely the dust pipes like a five dollar carton of pipesall right get Mike vape you know somebody wantsyou to get a vapor Wankel Mike Rik woman we adoration some Sun sent over it’s freezingin the UK actually if we like perhaps see that tool box or something get up inhere somewhere that’s a nice don’t be scared Uncle MikeI’m here to hold your hand I tell how it’s that all the timethat’s the Canada toolbox actually right there now that I think about it there’sain’t gonna fall that’s it what do you do you easy sell those for about eightto ten horses all right that’s a ten one dollar bill get Uncle Mikea brew to replenish his liquors Uncle Michael how long has it been since youquit drinking fourteen years oh no Michael has nottouched a sip of alcohol and I think he contrives on restraining just the way it is so I willnot get him a brew I don’t want to be the one to to shed him off his tournament Joseph Benassi looks bomb a lot of smallitems that will sell fast for the fast coin hope this one pays off too I thinkit’s gonna be good Savage I for the very best bro thank you thank you very muchwhat do we got envelopes three horses and envelopes neat I like envelopes we’regonna get into that implement container and then we’re gonna end this live after that I’mnot sure I’ll conclude I’ll be filming some of this today I went videos coming tonsof videos got to do I got to go assemble Jebus for a collab in a little bitwe bought some crazy group and we also bought another unit I’ve been sobersince 2012 Rob live always says shout out to you man Congrats Uncle Michaelsays – ooh this could be coin if it’s all in here because it’s final fantasynow that’s kind of boring that’s five bucks firm all rightlet’s see in this toolbox and then I think that’s gonna be enough we’re gonnawrap it up I gotta go use the little girl’s roombecause I haven’t been able to use the bathroom is part live there heavy yourgrunting come on snap on ooh leatherworking what is this for carpetor leather making I don’t see carpet it looks look at the condition of thisstuff oh yeah it’s carpet nice so this is this is probably a 60 70 dollar boxlike this don’t you think it’s got the heating element there which is nice yeahthat’s a good hear all right that’s the wrapping on this video I reflect oka Michaelstop looking for a minute is that Jack I check Jack in now a Brendan says all hiUncle Mike like a workhorse $2.00 super chat she said no as this her super chatto be able to highlight the facts of the case that she wants to hire you she’s just lettingit be known he said he could do just about anything yeah so four years ninemonths clean and sober now one day at a time fat lover the flipper says shout outman to you for that too much enjoy been sober almost a year Steve Smith says wegot a what is all in the same boat over here let’s take a good look at thatsince I didn’t highlight that I’m thinking that 60 bucks what do you thinkin our flea market which is not the excellent macrocosm brand new with that beingsaid this we’re gonna end this live I got to get to filming so I can have avideo out for tomorrow I hope you guys experienced it it’s been a while since I didalive I couldn’t get everything be done in order to my daytime yesterday to film and get one upso I figured what better road than to go live so we could just share in all thejoy together appreciate y’all watching you want tosay anything Uncle Mike even gonna make a second video for everybody yeahon that real soon maybe you do one tomorrow to flea market yeah well I havetime you have time get a lot of work ahead of usoh boy I adore y’all don’t forget to hit the share button on this video check outthe other ones there’s a full playlist on the $2400 TV director you can watchit start to finish as well as we got a lot of great things coming up I lovey’all readings ah