[ MUSIC][ SOUND] The following is a 17 -on-2Handicap Elimination Tag Team match. Introducing first, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 245 pitches, he is the WWE champion, Randy Orton! >> I think that Triple H is in charge ofOrton, and Cena has thought of everything. If Randy Orton feet out on Cena tonight, Orton is gonna be strippedof the WWE title. Orton’s out of WrestleMania. >> Right. >> If Cena gaits out on Orton, Cena’s out of WrestleMania. But this competitor is gonna continue asI understand it, until Orton and Cena cannot physically continue theiropponents or the part Raw roster. >> This is a history cause night on Raw, never heard of a competition like this.[ MUSIC] >> Introducing his label squad marriage, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 pounds, John Cena! >> Well, JR, I gotta agreed to accept Randy Orton. l speculate Triple H has lay a planhere to get one of these chaps hurt before WrestleMania, orboth of them hurt before WrestleMania .>> liter don’t know, King. l believe The Game is doing what he doesbest, and that’s play mind plays. That’s certainly notthe same as John Cena. What an accolade here in the sold out Dome, and Randy Orton knows aboutthe bulls-eyes on their dressers.[ MUSIC] >>[ APPLAUSE][ MUSIC] >> Now now comes the foe. >> No !>> The entire Raw roster! >> And making their way to the ring, the luminaries of Monday Night Raw![ MUSIC] >> It’s essentially as if the entireRaw roster is like one massive squad![ MUSIC] >> What probability do Cena andOrton have in this match? >> I would suggest thatnot a great chance.What do I think is exactly what- >> Have you ever seen anything like this? >> Never, absolutely not. >> You know that Randy Orton and John Cenahave a total condescension for each other.[ MUSIC] >> And so it looks like Snitsky’sgonna start for the Raw roster unit. Now, belief, Either Cena or Orton canSnitsky, it’s still not over, right? >> No, it’s not over. And Cena and Snitsky starting it out here. >> Wait a hour. >> Cena looking to set that quickwork out of with Snitsky but that will not be on this reason. Snitsky has numerous label team partners, as youcan see standing on the apron of the ring. The Cerebral Assassin has comeup with a sumptuou game plan. >> That’s why they ask him The Game. >>[ NOISE ]>> The greatest subconsciou play of them all, as Snitsky has six, six, over 300 pounds .>> Shouldn’t be any problemto keep a freshman at all. There’s a label. >> Santino Marella making- >> Marella, there you go, good. >> Tagging himself in, andCena getting a rollover. >> He didn’t get him more. So Santino Marella eliminated. But the accord continues. >>[ NOISE ]>> And that doesn’t really do muchto the curious right there. >> Cover, and Murdock’s got the cover. >> He’s still 16 on 2, l trust. >> The part Raw rostercomprising one crew. Right sides by Murdoch, and maybe the smartest person thus far isRandy Orton who’s more to get in the pair .>> Look at this! >> And Cena thinking STF. >> And he’s tapping, a tap! >> And Murdock just tapped out. Randy Orton didn’t get involved, Orton would like to end this thing as! >> The RKO! And there’s the plow. >>[ NOISE ]>> Look at, it’s amazing. Look at how well Orton’s- >> Good Lord. >> The shattering done from Umaga. Can Cena and Orton recover? We’ll find out as this match continues.Randy Orton in deep trouble here. We’re back live on Monday Night Raw. It’s John Cena and Randy Orton beingforced to be partners by Triple H, against the entire Raw roster, you realise JBL and their ailment. There’s a consider, this could end this but it’s not. >> Man, well, during the break therewas actually an RKO on Super Crazy and an liquidation here.Watch JBL come in from behind. Man. And retain , ladies and gentlemen, thismatch is gonna continue the part Raw roster, the brain child of Triple H, is one big crew. This is an eliminationrules tag squad competitor. It’s gonna continue til out ofthe whole roster has been vanquished, or Orton andCena are physically unable to continue. Next up, Jim Duggan got the tag. This is the damnedest main event I thinkwe’ve ever seen here on Monday night Raw. >> Are you surprised? Are you appalled at how well though, Cena and Orton are cohabitating here and working together? >> And I imagine Cena and Ortonare cohabitating out of self-preservation. Cody Rhodes got the tag now, while virtual. >> If you’re perplexed, maids andgentlemen, Triple H in charge of Orton and Cena tonight in the Triple Threattakeover final installment.Forcing Orton and Cena to be tagpartners against the part Raw roster. Val Venis got a tag , now he’s in. And if you’re wondering whyRandy Orton just doesn’t walk out, if he does Orton’s gonna bestripped of the designation tonight. if Cena treads out, what Cena wouldn’t do, Cena’s out of WrestleMania. >> Boy, and it’s just a numbers game. I intend, and appear, you still have Umagajust standing over there waiting to get another opportunity tobeat down Orton or Cena. >> Andone half of the world tag supporters. Hard core Bob Holly in the face of Orton. There’s a cover- >> Whoa. >> And a lateral press, a near autumn. John Cena gazing on. Cena, Orton and Triple H, certainlymeeting in a main event at WrestleMania. If there’s gonna be much left of Cena andOrton, that’s the big question right now. Inverted Backbreaker onRobbie of the Highlanders. Robbie McAllister, label. >>[ APPLAUSE ]>> Cena taking the chance![ SOUND ]>>[ APPLAUSE] >> Cena, it’s a high risk! Robbie eliminated, who’s next? DA Smith, the rookie! >>[ NOISE ]>> Uh-oh.You can’t see me! Little five-knuckle shuffleaction coming from Cena! >>[ NOISE ]>> Cena drilling the rookie from Calgary. >> One, two, three! >> The deal, and Cena’s rolling, and generates the call to Orton! God Lord- >> Look out! Gosh! >> A big RKO abruptly! Is eliminated. Val Venis, thanks for coming! RKO !>> One, two, three! >>[ NOISE ]>> I can’t believe what I’m seeing here! >>[ NOISE ]>> Cody Rhodes back in .>>[ NOISE ]>> And the rookie,[ SOUND ]>>[ APPLAUSE] >> The teamwork! >> Terrific! >> The teamwork, good Lord! Self-preservation for Orton and for Cena! >> Uh-oh, wait a minute. >> And now hell is transgressing liberate.[ SOUND ]>> I imagine the Raw roster read themselves being ravaged. What’s happened here? Referee called for the buzzer, a referee has used to call the buzzer and, this is nothing butchaos as Cena and Orton being beat down by severalmembers of the Raw roster. And the competition is gonnacontinue until Cena and Orton can’t physically compete- >> And Cena got a steel chair![ NOISE] Good grief! >> Cena going downtownwith the sword chair, my! >>[ INAUDIBLE ]! >> Right to the throat of John Cena, and now you got Umaga and JBL with a artillery. >> This is bad, but this is exactlywhat the was hoping for in my opinion. >>[ NOISE ]>> My God, JBL misfired and the Samoan Savage,[ SOUND] with a spike rightin the the advocate .>> Umaga’s after JBL! >> JBL running from Umaga! And Umaga deliveredthe spike to Randy Orton. There’s no one left for the Raw.[ MUSIC] >>[ NOISE ]>> Well , ladies and gentlemen, l stand corrected.[ MUSIC] >> There is someoneleft on the Raw roster.[ MUSIC] The demon of tonight’samazing main event, The Game, on the last night ofthe Triple Threat Takeover, Orton has[ INAUDIBLE] astounding main event. A main event that willcontinue till John Cena and the WWE champion can neitherphysically continue.[ MUSIC] And we’re talking 13 daysfrom WrestleMania until these three husbands compete for the mostcoveted championship in all the WWE. >>[ APPLAUSE] >> Uh-oh. >> We talked about subconsciou tournaments. >>[ NOISE ]>> You talk about physicality, and now- >> Pedigree! Just get Pedigree checked! The third-generationPedigree just got checked, and John Cena, is next on the schedule! >> The Game loading up Cena! >> Anddrilling Cena face first into the canvas .[ MUSIC ].