( upbeat music) – Welcome to CrosstalkSolutions, my name’s Chris, and this is FreePBX 101, version 14, constituent four, where we’re gonna talk about increases, the different types of extensions, some extension deliberations, and then we’re gonna go through the details of a single propagation, so that you understandwhat all of the invoices are, and that sort of stuff. Okay, so, propagations are reallythe first thing you wanna do when you set up a phone system, right? Like, you get this thinginstalled and now it’s like, hey, it’s time to actuallyset up some phones and start talking to each other. So that’s what we’regonna talk about today. And, there are a couple ofextension considerations that you need to think about when you’re planning a FreePBX deployment and when you’re planning on deploying a great number of telephones, or even a small number of telephones, to either a single locationor multiple locations. So the first thing thatyou have to think about are the extension digitsthat you’re going to use.I recommend employ 3 to 5 digits. You don’t want to go shortthan 3, you don’t want to go longer than 5 compel that’sjust going to ruffle parties. So I say 3 to 5 digits and you want to use a range of extensionsthat’s somewhere between 2xx up to 5xx or 2xxx to 5xxx if you’re doing 4 digit extensions. Now, the reason being isthat you don’t want to use 1 because, makes say youhave four digit expansions and you had an extension 1, 2, 3, 4. Well, the phone system, whenyou dial postponement 1, 2, 3, 4 is going to automaticallyimplement a delay because, here in the United Commonwealth, where reference is dial long distance, we dial 1 plus the domain system. So, 1 plus three digits, thephone system doesn’t know are you trying to dialextension 1, 2, 3, 4 or are you trying to dialsomeone in the 234 arena system? You’re dialing long distance, Right? So, it implements a pausewhere it’s gonna take a little but of time tosay “Okay, he’s not gonna “dial more digits.”Great, we’re gonna assume that it’s expansions 1, 2, 3, 4 then.” So, in order to avoidthose unnecessary breathers, you don’t want to startwith postponements that competitor your outbound phoning hope. Okay, so there’s reflection number 1. The other considerationis for multiple locations. So, for instance, this is a good case for a fortigate postponement where2, 1, is site figure 1, and then xx would be zero through 99. The expansions that are at that location, and then 2, 2, would be location number 2. 2, 3xx would be location number 3. Something like that, right, just so that over era individual employees get used to dialing, or get used to a motif of”oh, I’m trying to call the “Pacoma office, I know that’s gonna be “extensions 2, 3 whatever.” Right, so, take the time to plan it out. You don’t employed extensionsin sort of simply willy nilly all over the place cause itjust baffles your users.You want to try to make itintuitive for your consumers based on the particulararchitecture of your company. Okay, so that said today, there’s actually 3 different ways that we can create extensions in FreePBX. Here I am at the FreePBX dashboard. I”m simply gonna really talkabout got a couple of them, but I did want to brush onwhat’s called the Bulk Handler. So if I come here toAdmin and Bulk Handler, here we have all sorts ofdifferent types of pieces in FreePBX, including increases, where we can click import and then import a CSV filethat follows these guidelines with all of our extensions.So when we set up extensionshere at Crosstalk Answer, or when we set up telephone system where there’s 100 plus postponements, or even 50 plusextensions, we’ll often through everything into a spread sheet and then use this BulkHandler to mass import the increases into the system. It only saves a ton oftime doing it that way. But if you have smaller numberof increases, 10 or 20. It’s actually probably easiernot to figure out the CSV but exactly to shed those in manually cause the time you taketo figure out the CSV you could of already framed thoseextensions into the system squandering the Quick Create Extension, which is what we’regoing to show you next. So, for really manually forming expansions, either ordinary extensionscreation or what’s called the Quick Create, you goover here to Works and then propagations. So right now we can seethat I have no expansions. If I was necessary to do themanual propagation innovation, we can go to Add Extension, and then we can go Add New Chan_SIP Extension.You could also do PJSIPif you’re using PJSIP. We has spoken about that a littlebit in a previous video. In this case though, I’mgonna be doing all Chan_SIP for the purposes of this video streak. So we can say Add New Chan_SIP postponements, and that returns us to theextension detail page, where we can basically fillin all of the information. You get different invoices in all the regions of the top for the different aspectsor the different details of this extension andthat’s all well and good, and we’re gonna come backto this in only a second. But before we did that, I did want to show you the Quick Create.Because often epoch, if I’m gonna be doing 10 or 20 propagations, I will go through and appoint them all with theQuick Create wizard first, cause it’s a lot faster than doing the normal expansions start. And then formerly I’ve doneall of the Quick Create, I will go back in and adjust any details about each individualextension as necessary. So let’s go ahead and do that now. We have Type. You can choose what type ofextension you wan to create. Mostly, we’re gonna be dealingwith Chan_SIP or PJSIP. Virtual extension is somethingyou might also run across, for example, if you’re gonna be creating a voice mail box that’s gonna be a general voice mail box that’sshared among a lot of users. That would be a Virtual extension, but for the most part, we’relooking at Chan_SIP or PJSIP. So now we have Chan_SIP. Now we have our increase numbering. When you’re using the Quick Create wizard, it’s going to automatically populate the next available postponement in this box.But since we don’t haveany extensions hitherto, it’s just show me propagation 1. So I’m gonna attain my firstextension, propagation 2000. We’re gonna give it a displayname, this is the users name. We’ll say Tony Stark. Okay, so for email address, we’ll just introduced Tony, tstark @crosstalksolutions. comthen we’re gonna say next. And now we have a few more options. In most cases, you canjust leave this default, but we have Enable Find Me/ Follow Me and we’re gonna talk about that more in depth in a separate video. And then we have the optionto Create a Use Manager User. So in FreePBX, there areextensions and there are consumers. Normally, you have oneuser, Tony Stark, assigned to one extension, Tony Starksextension, figure 2000. But, there separate becauseyou can have a single customer that has multiple expansions. So, for instance, you’ve got Tony Stark and then you’ve gotTony Stark’s desk phone and Tony Stark’s Zuluextension, and Tony Stark’s soft telephone expansion on theiPhone or something, right? So, you can have one user that has access to multiple phone settingsand multiple mail boxes.The user is also the log inthat that person is going to use to get into theuser-based control panel which is another video thatwill be separate from this one. In our lawsuit, we are going tocreate a User Manager User. We’ll say yes. We don’t have any groupsright now so we’ll only put them in the All Users group. Again, we will talk aboutusers in a future video.And we do want to Enable Voicemail. The PIN by default, I believe, is the postponements quantity, but I’m gonna change that. I’m just gonna say 12345 andthen we’re gonna say Finish. Okay, so we have nowcreated our first extension, let’s go ahead and click the pencil icon. We’re going to edit such an extension, and when I revise such an extension, this is also the was of the opinion that I get when I do thenormal extension creation. Let me go back here real quick. Works, Increases. If I say Add Extensions, New Chan_SIP Extension, I’m virtually getting to the same screen that you use when you’reediting an existing extension. Okay, so here we go, TonyStark, Outbound Caller ID. So if you demand thisextensions OutBound Caller ID to be different that the defaultCaller ID of your firm, you would enter that knowledge here. Now is your SIP password. I recommend leaving thatto whatever password is automatically generated. It’s a nice, strongpassword and if you’re using the EndPoint Manager, which you should be. Again, we’ll talk aboutthat in a future video, you never actually have toenter the password anywhere, it will automaticallybe propagandized to your telephone through the EndPoint Manager.Here “were having” some languagesettings, so if you have … One of the nice things about FreePBX is there are multiplelanguages that you can install. So, if I had both Englishand Spanish speaking members of the company, I could addthe Spanish language pack, and then I could adopt thelanguage system for this extension so that when someonedails there voicemail, all of the elicits, forinstance, would be in Spanish. As opposed to English. I’m not gonna get into thelanguage giving of FreePBX, but bearing in mind that they are vast. I necessitate, you can comeup here to the corner, and you watch all of thesedifferent languages that you can actually changethe graphical user interface of FreePBX to be in Bulgarian, or German, or Persian, or Hewbrew, right? So you can actually makethose varies no problem. Next we have our User ManagerSettings, so this is the directory that the user is in by default.We are linked to this user. We’re not gonna do a tradition Username, so it’s just gonna use theextension number as the Username. But if you wanted touse a tradition Username, for login to the user control panel, for example, the personsemail, you were able to do that by just sounding Use Custom Username and then putting intheir email address here. Then we have the usercontrol panel password that was generated, I typicallychange this at some item, motive formerly we’re past this screen, you can’t change it anymore. So what generally like to do is make my customers change it for themselvesafter the initial log in. And then, of course, here’s the only group that we have right now, is that All Users group. Okay, so next we have the Voicemail tab.Now we can see that Voicemail’s enabled, and if I click the eye icon, I can see the voicemail password for this user. Now, as I’m going through thesetabs, I am not gonna cover every single setting explicitly. What I’m gonna cover arethe most common settleds for voicemail, or forFollow Me or whatever, and then, you guys can playwith the other positions yourself if you need totough those decideds. But in most cases you won’thave to change any more establishes than I’m changing now. If you ever want to knowwhat something does, so, for example, wehave this setting now, Require From Same Extension. “Hmm, what what does that do? ” Well, if you waver over thislittle blue-blooded question mark, it will tell you what it does. So, if set to No, when the user phones* 97,* 97 on the phone, or pressestheir Voicemail button, they will not be askedto enter a password. This does not relate to* 98 summons, so there’s a differencebetween* 97 and* 98.* 97 is the code to get intothis extensions voicemail chest .* 98 is the code to get into someone else’s propagations voicemail carton. So, mostly, if you haveRequire From Same Extension set to yes, when youhit the voicemail button or dial* 97, even though you’re calling from that same postponement, it will cause you to enter the password. It’s an added security measure. Then we have Email Addressand Pager Email Address. These are a little bitredundant and it’s one thing that the Quick Create doesthat it probably shouldn’t, is it inhabits both of these fields. Email Address is Voicemail to Email. So you get a voice mail, it sends you an email that says “Hey, you got a newvoicemail from so-and-so.” Pager Email Address is the same thing, it sends you a voicemail, but…Or it is sending out an email apprise you thatyou received a voicemail, but it’s in a truncatedformat because it’s meant to go onto a pager whichno one uses pagers anymore. So we’re gonna delete Pager Email Address. For email attachment, we’re gonna say Yes, because when Voicemail to Email happens, we want a wav file to travelalong with that email, so that you can get Voicemail to Email. You don’t get only advised, you actually get the voicemail in the email, or attached tothe email as a wav attachment.The only other optionthat we’re gonna look at on the voicemail sheet, is this one down now, Delete Voicemail. So what this does, is if youhave Voicemail to Email enabled when that voicemail issent to you, if you determine Delete Voicemail to Yes, it will delete voicemail out of your phone’s mailbox, so that meant that you merely receive voicemails through email. You do not have theability to dial in with the phone apps or dial* 97 to get to those voicemails. I personally like doing this myself. I don’t like gettingvoicemails in two neighbourhoods that I have to delete in two residences when I’m done listening to them. The caveat here is that you better be sure that your Voicemail toEmail is working very well before you enable this, becauseif you rectified Delete Voicemail to Yes, when it transports theemail, it doesn’t check to see if the email was transmitted successfully. It simply fires off thatemail and then deletes it out of your phone, outof your voicemail box.So, if Voicemail to Emailis not functioning properly, that voicemail’s goneforever, so be very cautious with the defining and onlyenable it once you’re sure that Voicemail to Emailis working very well. Here we have Find Me/ Follow Me. So Find Me/ Follow Me is away for when a request is necessary to your phone, perhaps itrings your table phone for a few seconds and thenif you don’t pick it up, the committee is also starts pealing yourcellphone simultaneously. Or another expansion simultaneously. This is a really reallypowerful feature of FreePBX, and I frequently enable this for people, but I’m gonna do a video that’s specific to Find Me/ Follow Me soI’m not gonna extend it now other than to say that’s what it does.It allows you to set up your own locations, either the head can do it or you can allow users to changetheir Find Me/ Follow Me locateds in the user control panel, but again, I’m not gonnacover it in this video. The Improvement tab is typically settings that you never have tochange, nonetheless, there are a couple of things that youmight want to take a look at. For example, you haveyour recording option. So you have the ability torecord Inbound External, Outbound External, InboundInternal, Outbound Internal, etc. You can also grant the userto do On Demand Recording, which I believe is* 1 while you on a call you can actually start record the call.So I often turn on OnDemand Recording for my useds, and then if you want to adjust any of the decideds for recording. For instance, let’s say, a good example of this is if you are the IT administratorand you’re setting up internal extension toextension call recording for all of your usersso that “youve had” record of all requests in thesystem, but you don’t want the executive heads announces recorded, well you can do a rug record all internal callsand then come in here and specifically say Neverrecord Inbound or Outbound internal calls for specific expansions. The Pin Change invoice is forif you have organize rod codes, for instance, for international dialing. You can allow this userto have access to specific rod codes for dialing Outbound. That’s something thatI don’t use very often, so I’m not gonna covertoo much of it here. And then finally we have the Other tab.The Other tab isn’t utilized that frequently. The EndPoint Manager nonsense is in here, meaning that you can assign a phone to this extension, a MACaddress to this extension through this page but it’s actually easier to that over in the EndPoint Manager which we’re gonna talkabout in a future video. iSymphony is a central console. It’s a web-based consolefor the phone system where you can see announces in progress, you can transfer callsand that sort of stuff. I personally do not perferiSymphony over some other options that are out there, such as the Flash Operate Panelso, if I don’t want to use iSymphony I just say No now. Actually, in most cases, I accomplished uninstall iSymphony from the phonesystem and then this setting actually doesn’t even is an indication. So when you’ve made thechanges that is intended to your propagations, goahead and sounds Submit, and then click Apply Config.Okay, so now if I go backto Lotion, Postponements, we should hear extensions2 000 Tony Stark and what I’m gonna do now isI’m gonna go through and I’m gonna add five orsix more postponements exerting the Quick Create so that wehave a number of propagations that we can play with movingforward into the next videos. Okay, so the next videothat we’re gonna do, we’re gonna talk about actuallyconnecting phones, okay, so we have the extension andthen we have the physical maneuver which is a separatething and we’re gonna set up some Sangoma phonesusing the EndPoint Manager and then we’re too gonnaset up some telephones manually without exploiting the EndPoint Manager.Both non-Sangoma phones aswell as some soft telephones. Okay, so stay carolled for those videos. If you enjoyed this video, please give me a thumbs up, and if you’d like to subscribe, clink that Subscribe button down below. My name’s Chris withCrosstalk Solutions and we’ll see you in the next video.( soft music ).