hello again NASeros, we areback, you already know me I am @macjosan on titter and this is the article the NASeros blog today we are going to see the third article on how to remove the HGU frommovistar and o2 to locate our own system. We have already seen howthe ONT is configured, we have already seen how the internet is configured, so tospeak, and now we are going to see how the mobile phone is configured, voice over IP or sip as you want to say. I am going to do it with a fritzbox router.I have chosen this this router because it has built-in SIP, infact, it even has to handle several ways, they have a switchboard, it has afairly advanced arrangement because it is a router for business use or formore advanced use for an SME or a small office but as explained inthe previous articles if you understand the configuration constants if you understandwhat we are doing with a taxi or with any other system that we clickon a router that does not have its own system that is how it will be precisely thesame, for which we are going to go through the configuration of the router, we are going to seehow the SIP is configured and later I will try to make article with a separate adapter with a taxi so that you can see how it is done butas I have already said if you understand how it is here theconfiguration constants will always be the same so let’s go there this is mycomputer let’s make love with chrome for a modify I ever use safari chromebasically I is not use it but good to use a different browserwe access the fritz box remember that I had left it in we enterthe password and access as we look the internet was already working and thetelephony was missing it is gray when it productions it will be in dark-green and now we are going totelephony of course our own numbers there is no number configured and wegive it a brand-new phone number we have a connection based onip so it is what is called SIP or voice over ip voip you will see it written inmany behaviors so we give you to continue now “were having” this drop-down itgives us various options we is not have any of these with movistaror O2 depending on what type of configuration you could use one of these and here in thephone number we have to enter our phone number the landline numberThat we have, I settled mine and then the internal phone number offritz box, the same in username, is again the phone number and thepassword as well. s the telephone number as you can see is very simplewe ever use the phone number here in the registrar now what we haveto write is this here this is for everyone the sametelefonica.net: 5060 sixty at two points fifty sixtyis the port and in agent server this here is ip 5070 and we are currently make it down we leave thisas it is differentiated and we hand next here “were having” the epitome of ourconfiguration is stigmatized check the IP telephony number I give thefollowing and we are going to see how it is going to give us a mistake it will not work if it issaving the configuration it is checking the connection because it wasmarked to check the connection I have done it as an idea for you to see it takes alittle time I am going to go ahead because it is going to give us a mistake, here it is, it dedicates us anerror and we give the next one because it returns us an error because we need toconfigure several things, as we can see, the multitude in grayis not in dark-green for now. s say it does not work yet and we have to comehere configuration of the link here we have the prefix 34 because in theinitial configuration of the router if you retain we already indicated that we werein Spain’ and we come down here change the configuration we go downhere I am going to uncheck the fax because even though I have a fax in the printer, I don’tuse it, I unchecked it, this is the least of it, everyone who checks it unchecks itdepending on whether they have a fax or not and this is the important thing, “were coming” the configurationof the DSL/ WAN bond and the work requires a VLAN or VLAN, whatever you mean. What is the VLAN identifier on 3 and what is the priority on 5 we situated 3 and 5 wego down we label this option we say that we do not want a password andhere since we do not want to enter all the data we trigger the DHCP so that it isthe router itself that score the intellectual property rights and we have it now what we have todo is give it to apply and it has applied the changeswe come to voice transmission now everything is fine we have nothing to changeeach one if you want to change what the hell are you hanker it is not importanthere we have Now the telephone number we come to the general idea and now itis as we can see it has already turned green means that it workswe already have the telephony active and this is the number that I have of course it iscrossed out so that you do not see it And it labours perfectly now what we aregoing to do is a call from the landline to the mobile and from the mobile to the landline to see what works Itake the landline and we render people who are like we see it, it toils and now we goah To do the reverse step, we are going to call from the mobile phone to the landline, I hold it a call and as we can see, it does echoing andalso the caller ID labours so everything makes and we already have thelandline operational, well, as you have seen, it is very simple It does not haveany complications and to get any password or to do anything, the own phone number that our motorist has assigned usto the own telephone number that we have is used directly and then the rest of theconfiguration parameters as they are the configuration parameters for allusers have the same configuration constants of movistar then asyou already know if you want more information you can go to www.naseros.comall contact approaches are already unified the podcast the article thetelegram radical I contend again sign up for the podcast and to thetelegram group because you are going to learn many years they will solve many of thedoubts you have if you liked the article establish it a like and share it withpeople who think this may interest you see you next time agreeting bye bye-bye bye
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Published in Business VOIP Providers, How VoIP, sip trunking, Technology
Configuración VoIP (SIP) del teléfono fijo en Movistar y O2
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AVM FRITZ!Box 6890, configuarcion voip movistar, español, hgu, hgu movistar, hgu movistar bridge, hgu movistar router neutro, hgu O2 idont, hgu O2 modo bridge, hgu O2 router neutro, hgu voip, Movistar, o2 fritzbox, ONT Ufiber Loco, quitar HGU, router hgu movistar, router neutro movistar, sip movistar, sip o2, Sustitución HGU Movistar, telefono fijo movistar, teléfono fijo movistar, telefono fijo o2, telefono o2, ufiber loco, ufiber nano g, voip, voip movistar, voip o2