So again I’m Tony Lewis I’m CEO at ClearlyIP we do a cluster of different things you know SIP Trunking is a big chunk of “what were doing” our multi tenant PBX from our recent acquisition is also a large chunk what we do and we do a little bit of hardware so we have a line of our own phones and some appliances again truly geared around FreePBX our telephones are agnostic they can run on anything but you get a lot of supremacy and pieces when you use them with FreePBX they’re completely rebrand able oh so we have a low-grade MOQ – I believe it’s ten at a time for a minimum line-up length and we’ll rebrand the phones with your own logo there’s a low one cost setup fee you compensate one-time and big-hearted discounts on the phones for resellers to assist you keep high boundaries so let’s get into our SIP Trunking here you know we seem to think this is the Clearly the most wonderful trunking for FreePBX systems we employed a lot of effort into tightly integrating this into FreePBX and requiring a good customer planned and facet prepared for everyone so generally how its bought and we’ll talk about two different ways it’s purchase with “whats called” our bellow paths which every see footpath is a for ordinary business utilization inbound outbound calling single call at a time so if you need four or five current announcements you’d buy four or five order routes we do offer metered assistances where you pay per minute and we offer a hybrid where you can say okay most of the time we’re exerting you know three calls at a time but occasionally we go to four or five six seven announcements so you could buy three see pass from us and then pay per minute to abound beyond those three label tracks so those start as low-toned as $17.99 a month with contracts at MSRP it does get less than that of that for our resellers and spouses there’s added rejects were integrated into that for our partners who belong to our marriage program but time at an MSRP level you get down to $ 17.99 with a I think it’s a three year contract and then DID Sour sixty cents apiece on a three-year contract um and then there’s a one year and a month to month option and includes our full spokesperson e9-1-1 SMS and MMS the ability to buy numerals real era International calling and tight integration into FreePBX so a little bit about the architecture so this is an N+ redundancy is incorporated into our pulpit currently we run off of two primary data centers with redundant servers within each datacenter in what we call a pod in a third pod coming on last-minute this year so within each pod there’s built-in redundancy within that pod with separate IP addresses or domain names to get to that pod within the load balancer and then each pod or data center talks with the other cod to know where you’re cross-file to so if for whatever reason you lost registration to our central cod you’re only connected to Eastern we know automatically where you’re connected to reroute calls to whatever pod you’re connected to even though they are a bawl comes to us from upstream carriers to the wrong pod so there’s built-in load sharing and redundancy and redirecting within our husks to guarantee you know to protect usag ainst outages in the event that a data center were to go down the pods all communicate with each other but they’re also designed that in the event they lose connection to another data center they’ll continue to operate on their own so each Trunking location is what we call in our store is our location generally you guys would think of it as a PBX can be set up with the following core service so the first thing you have todecide is do you want to buy call courses from us where you compensate per month flatrate for each label course and you get unlimited announcing for most USdestinations, I should say most North American ends for normalbusiness consumption or do you want to pay metered where you pay per minuteand then there’s the composite where you can buy the call path and then enableBursting at a low-toned frequency at. 009 cents a hour to abound beyond thosecall itineraries so each announcement itinerary allowed by one simultaneous inbound or outboundcall so both our request itinerary cases and ourmetered include for free inbound SMS on all of our regional 10 -digit DIDs so anylocal ten digit did is inbound SMS is free and you get CNAM lookup forfree so the Caller ID name portion when mortal calls you and you we look upinto the national databases for the honour that’s free and out on all inbound callsand then if you buy our label direction trunking if you set up a point withour bellow move cases you also get a free e911 callback profile and dispatchablelocation we’ll talk more about those in a little bit and you can purchaseadditional ones beyond that local DIDs can be purchased in both US and Canadathey’re at a dollar MSRP with no contracts and toll free-spokens can bepurchased at a $1.50 MSRP at and degree zero to one or two moment one centsper minute on the toll-free SMS and MMS support so inbound SMS is free and localnumbers inbound MMS so if you’re doing multimedia messaging like videos andimages they’re blamed at one point five pennies per message outboundSMS is charged at nine one-tenths just under one penny per letter and outbound MMSis charged at two pennies per message you can view and send all your SMS andMMS is from within the user control panel free PBX and a single do can beshared with more than one user so it did get associate myself with consumers and free PBX andthen those users can send and receive contents from any of the dudes theirpermissions for so if I permission to view three different divs I can see allthe inbound senses on those divs and send out any brand-new or reply to anyexisting message on those divs that I permissions to and then if Preston hadaccess to the same did he would watch my reply is going out to so a little on inai known one andthe caries ordinance in ray solace Ordinance which went into effect this year two new lawsthat were passed by Congress a duo years ago one in effect back in Februaryso we’re not lawyers these are our views we feel we’re experts in voidand this webinar falls within constants of our expertise but again we are notlawyers we’re going to give you the advice based on how we perform thelaws so the three primary requirements that are in effect today and there’smore requirements going in effect next year and its first year after but the threethat are in effect today between carries constitution and ray devices Act is you cannot youcan no longer accept a prefix to come to dial nine-one-one so a lot of hotels forexample you’d have to have nine for the purposes of an outside course in the see nine-one-oneyears 2009 nine on one that is no longer stood you have to a lot of calling9- 1-1 direct disaster notifications must be sent to personnel notifying themto the emergency so when a 911 announces realise you have to be able to as long asyour PBX helps that notify people on personnel that a 9-1-1 was call 9-1-1 callwas made and who actually prepared that bawl so they can help assist with theemergency and facilitate assist when emergency situations responders show up and thenanyone calls are to be transmitted to the proper piece app or what’sknown as public security asking time with a dispatchable site so thatdispatchable locating has to be a location that gets the emergencyservices to where the persons having the emergency so it’s no longer good enoughjust to have your building address I’m depending on the size of your buildingand everything else you have to get into more geographical location within thatbuilding so it could be like second flooring northeast angle or suite 101 ordesk office 101 you have to have more information than just the physicaladdress now and then there’s a entire assortment of statesthat have added their own existing laws on topic orbits Andre projectiles and this is alist as of about a month ago of different we could find that have now computed theirown additional requirements on top of those so you’re gonna want to checkwithin your local the member states to as they stop transferring more added restrictive lawson this substance so how did traditionally 9-1-1 with SIP stalks labour they alwayspaired it with a did or a telephone number so you bought it did from a carrier andthen you added 9-1-1 to that make and you paid a cost to add it so you’re buyingthe did and you’re compensate a dollar you know two hours a month for the did andthen you’re buying 9-1-1 for that did and you’re paying another dollar twodollars three dollars a month for that reputation on one so now you’re spending youknow two to three to four dollars a few months between the did and the 9-1-1 forevery person that you need to have a dispatchable locating for that’s how9- 1-1 has been sold in the sip world-wide we’ve engineered a new solution thathelps get the cost down and it no longer involves pairing and buying an e 91 to it did and you can even use numbers that you don’t have with us if you havedid or phone numbers with other service providers you can bring your 9-1-1 justto us so the busters don’t have to belong to us and we undermine it into two sectionsthe first region is what we call emergency call back profiles and thosethat MSRP are a dollar a month and then your dispatchable sites are at fiftycents a month MSRP we’re going to talk about how these two disaster call backprofiles and discharge booklets taken together so it allows you to get bettercost savings not have to bind ins for everyone in get down the cost of theactual dispatchable location to get it down so you’re not buying your twodollar 911 plus a dollar did for every dispatchable location within the samebuilding so an emergency callback profileconsists of four pieces of information the first patch is the company namethe second piece is the collar ad of how we know you want to use this callbackprofile the third piece is a callback phone number so when we send the call tothe piece app if they get undone have to call back what is the callbackphone number and that can be different from the caller ID and then the fourthpiece is a default location or dispatchable locating so a callbackprofile duets with a default dispatchable orientation so in the eventthat you don’t tell us which dispatchable place you’re using whenyou make a call we will use the default one for that callback profile that’sused in we are familiar which callback chart to use based on the car ID of what yousend us and those are a dollar a month so generally what I like to say is thecallback profile is a building is a physical buildingand then you have your dispatchable locatings within that constructing so thatcould be different floorings different wings different Suites different hotelroom numbers those are your dispatchable places within that same construct sofor that whole build you’re compensate$ 1 a month and then you’re buyingdispatchable points that you’re 50 pennies a month MSRP far and adispatchable orientation is mostly the easiest way to describe it is which doorto kicked out when the emergency services arrive so it can be things likeyou know your address 30 to 55 high View Drive second storey West Wing ornortheast corner a dispatchable locale does not modify the call back number sothe call back number is part of the call back profile so when you make a callnine-one-one your PBX will send us and say operation this call back profile andoptionally use this dispatchable spot if you don’t tell us what’swhich this vegetable location to use we use the default one for the call backprofile that call back profile has the caller ID so we know which call backprofile you’re picking and then it has the callback number so the callbacknumber would be some number you set up that hoops a group of people who aretrained and if 911 scolds back here’s how we handle the emergency then you get into notifications so witha module we have that’s free for free PBX structures is we link up notificationswe offer notifications three different ways so in the event of emergency wehave to call back or the p-set might have to call back and if they call backit’s going to call that group of beings that you set up that callback profilefor and we need to notify them that a 9-1-1 see was even obliged so you havethree ways of doing notifications every time the honour 9-1-1 entitles acquired the firstways you can paint a group of telephones and it will paint them it will announce whocalled 9-1-1 and then drop them in the bawl muted and they are able to unmutethemselves and actually take part of the main one call you can also pick a groupof phone numbers that you want us to send an SMS to and we’ll send out an SMSalerting them what extension called 9-1-1 and we can also set out send anemail out to a roll of email addresses and you can pick any of these threetogether it’s not one or the other so you can pick two out of the three one ofthree or all three and send out notifications all three different typesof notifications when the 9-1-1 labels compiled so trunking module for your PBX so we’vegot a module for free PBX gives really simple setup and administering up your trunksyour DIDS your roads all your 9-1-1 your notifications this module getsdownloaded from our wiki now KB that clearly ap comm/ trunking and we’regonna actually go through and use this module here in a minute in this moduleyou can do things like map your 9-1-1 so in this example we’re saying extension1, 000 mike smith is going to use the Appleton position call back profile in theapplicant agency dispatchable location where bob jones is using nina office andhe’s going to use the dispatchable point nina power second floorso this is where you delineate each increase what callback profile what dispatchablelocation is going to use when they call 9-1-1 and then when you call 9-1-1 weknow to send this information into the piece apps you are eligible to give your endusers permissions to control based on what allows you give them thechanging of their callback place I’m sorrytheir callback profile and their dispatchable spot all from the freePBX user control panel so you can limit a user to say they’reonly allowed to pick from these callback sketches and these dispatchablelocations and they can change real time that message if you give thempermission to from the users of control panel and then if you’re using theclearly ap table telephones we also have an app that lets you do this and it alsoties into our red-hot desking so you can set an option that says every time a userlogs in so them what their current 9-1-1 point is and let them change it ifthey need to so we’re going to go into our place alittle bit now and the trunking module to give you guys a feel for how thisworks so our place is at trunking that cool AP comm and if you don’t have anaccount you can create an account and formerly you log in we start with locationsso I’ve got a list of a knot of locations here we use for training anddifferent webinars over the top over meter so we’re gonna start including a newlocation and our first option is what type of call path or what type ofchunking do we want for this location we want call path subscription where youpay per summon move carrying or do you want to pay per instant simply so we’re going topick the label itinerary type and now we pick we want a thirty six month contracttwelve month or month to month so if you picked month to month we’ll hear MSRP $24.99 if we picked 36 months we’ll see it’s $17.99 and if you’re resellers itgets even cheaper so if we pick month month and you pick how many call packsyou require and you can change this real time in the future if you want we’regoing to start with two so this can allow us to make and receivetwo simultaneous calls at a time with no permanent cost to us in Canada then wegive it some information so we’re going to call this our webinar test decide if you want to enable SMSinternational calling and concurrency abounding we’re going to come back tothose and do them after we set up I hold us your address so this address isn’tfor 911 this is 4 billion purposes because all the taxes and everything inthe US we have to know what your physical address is for taxationpurposes you and now we can real age by dibbs localor toll-free you’ll determine what your tolls for thedibbs take a rate center when you are collect your position and they’ll come back withall the dudes available in that rate center so pick as countless Dizzy’s you wantthey get added to your go-cart you can go ahead we equip when you buy our callpath cases we add a single dispatchable spot and callbackprofile for free for 911 so you can set that up now to call our identify the callback number can be any phonenumber with us or without us and then what is the car ID to use this callbackprofile and you pick from any of the busters you bought from usand then we get into our physical outage of the address so we’re abuilding not a house our number of our constructs 3255 our street list is hiveyou drive we have no type so this could be likesweet out for different things Appleton Wisconsin so we affected next and it’s goingto support this address with the 911 services so it takes a second and itactually varied the address to beehive you all benefited because that’s theway the service providers demanded it so you notice it says the address wasadjusted please verify the green arenas are rectify before continuing so we’llhit next you pick your fee procedure we happento have periods on this account most clients by default yourself withcredit cards you have to add your credit card here we do have the ability forlarger corporations public area those types of things to set up words where wesend you an statement tip next agree to the services and you’re done so this isactually going to go by those dudes set up the 911 creep the debit if you’reusing credit card capture the fee it’s going to do everything for us here you takes about 15 -2 0 seconds create our 91 locationI’ll back profile and we’re done brand-new trunking place was created so we conclude this now if we go look in Odense right there we look we have a web in artest spot now so if we click on here now this is where we can see a bunch of information so we can see our locating ID mainly used for when you open a support ticket our main address what plan were under a month-to-month when it started we’ve got for unlimited we don’t ass up bad we’re actually let’s go look at a location that’s set up that we’re going to use really sorry about that so over here istest location so you’ll notice metered I have a limit of $ 100 and I’ve consumed zero dollars of it so I have a hundred available this is a real time balance as you’re using up instants I’ve got one call pass on this on the unlimited call path I can increase or abridge this so I can say I want to now this will fill my expenditures and it’ll take me out of to call pastoral time I can see over here I have enable I don’t have international so I’m gonna enable international and then Ihave concurrency gush enabled now I’ve got some restrictions now I have a hundred and I have ten so this is a weekly limit this says I’m only allowed to invest 10 dollars a weekend international and when it departs over tenit’s gonna kill all active announces so this is fraud protection and then burstingthe same thing I’m gonna allow abound so if I need more than two simultaneouscalls I’m gonna money per minute but my limit is $ 100 a few months and I can make thisedit icon and I can revise a few cases things here first thing I can do is I can seefor international summon I’m only tolerated three calls at a time if youwant more than three you have to contact us but if you want to take it down Ihave to take it to two and then metered that Burstein youallowed 20 channels of bursting you can take it down if you want to like 15 or 5but you can’t come up without contacting us you’re only let up to 20 weekly limits for international $10 so if you read the help text here it says you cango up to $ 10 so you can set this to be 5 if you missed but you can only go to 10 if you want more than 10 you click here and fill in a model that we do for verification and we can increase your limit your weekly international limit and then same with metered by default you get $100 if you are required more you canfill out a form that sends in a submission to us we can give you accesst o more so I could take it to 75 or 25 or 5 so you get to pick what those fraud protection levels are you miss miscarried over this is where I can controlmy failover so in the event we try to send a call to you on an inbound call we cannot get any of your we can’t get your PBX to accept a call you can set a failover and that filter can be to a phone number so you can put your cellphone number in now or it could be to an IP address or domain name of another PBX so this is at a global level I can prepare afailover for the whole location and all dibs will failover to that I can see what my default emergency callback sketch is for 911 and I can even deepen that to other 911 callback sketches I’d bought as what I demand for my default so I happen to havethree on this point so I could pick a different one if I demanded so I could sayI want that to be my primary instead my swallow swallow credential sip username andpassword and a key sign we’re going to use for the module and free PBX in aminute and then down now I can see all my phone numbers I can be found in all my callback sketches thatI have and all my dispatchable points that I have for this locationfor a phone number I can even are now in in situates the over at a number level soearlier we spoke we can failover at a global levelyou can also set fill right up individual do statu so in the event wetry to send the call to your PBX and it doesn’t abide it we firstly look to seeif you have a did position miscarry or if so we use that for that did if not we look tosee if there’s a global failover so you can set a world-wide as a catch-all but youcan set individual divs to failover to individual people’s cell phone numbersin the event your PBX is unreachable so that’s kind of locations and numbersat a glance there’s a lot other stuff in the collect you get into like all yourorganization knowledge so billing datum what day of the month if youhave credit with us what your credit calls are who your contacts are fortechnical billing porting and sales if you are eligible to have various contacts under contacts you can add new contacts and enable log into the store into this portal so when you create a contact you can also give them login ability invoices will give you all your history of statements and let you pay any invoicesthat are due if you if you have expressions for example with us view your pastinvoices cvrs real-time will show you CDRs of allyour points so we can filter and pick a specific location you location adjusted a time assortment and it willfilter and prove you all the CBI’s imma let you download your CD RS it’ll alsoshow you if it’s a rhythm label what the cost was so if it was a internationalcall or a bursted call and you would hear the cost here for it if there was anybillables on it payment methods causes you manage yourcredit cards on file with us and add more revise oh humankind delete on porting youneed to port crowds to us you can submit your porting request right herethis forum aid you can submit brace askings right here so this iskind of your supermarket at a glance what we’re going to do now is go into ourfree PBX system and actually set up our alcohols so I’ve uninstalled myclearly AP trunking module from here so I can show you guys from the ground uphow to get it on so the first thing we do is we go to module admin and we need toupload a brand-new module and our wiki now which is uh KB today P appease there’sdirections how to set it up with free Tv X and P be precise automated style you’vegot to seizure this URL that I have highlighted here and announce it in here anddownload it from the web now it’s been downloaded into the your free your localfree PBX and now we have to go install it so if we come down to connectivitytrunking module we sounds install and this is going to install the moduleonce the module is installed if we release updates new features whatever itwill simply be in module admin you’ll merely check online for updates and it willupdate the module for you just like any other module on your free PBX system soonce we have the module positioned under connectivity we get wise clearly trunkingnow and here is where we pasted that key code so over here under locationsyou we go view a locale we can take thiskey code copy it you’ll glue it in here but before we do who really I’m goingto show you guys we have no inbound outbound street or stem set up sotrunks are empty in ligament directions are empty outbound routesare empty so we’re going to paste this illusion key system in there touched submitand it’s going to go set up a pairing between your PBX and your trunkinglocation so it’s my Tony test box location name or show me my defaultcallback sketch is being used and a summary of my services now if I click thislittle off-color button it’s going to automatically set up my cases andoutbound streets so it’s first thing what is it you people want as your main caller ID foryour trunks so pick from an ear make save this and it’s now set up your itineraries andyour cases so if we go look in cases here and refresh this page we’ll determine wehave two stems if we go into outbound routes it’s goingto set up Alpine roadway for us to be established international because we enabledinternational it’s set up in the emergency route and anormal book route they’re all set up for us we click on number register it’s gonnashow us all the dudes we have in our history and not you’ll notice underPhilbert one of them set up with failover two of them are not configuredso you can actually gave failover from here just like you can in the place welike you said in either home they’re both they’re both saved in the sameplace in our back-end and route two is missing meaning these busters have notbeen set up in our free PBX system we go look under inbound roadway and refresh wehave no inbound roadway so the route to when it says missing means we haven’tset these up yet we are able to thumped this little button Auto configure it’s going to autoset up all of our inbound itineraries for us we go into inbound superhighways and free PBXand refresh we’ll see they’re all there now by default it designates the destinationto be this clearly trunking did proof when you call it it’s justgoing to play back the did you phoned and the car ID you dial the from so fromhere you can edit your inbound routes to route them to wherever you want or fromwithin our module under crowd itemize you can just click on this route very andjust pick whatever it is you want to route them to in your PBX really quickly save thatone you were able to say experience requirement have a time condition we’ll precisely pick anotherextension so all within one place and they have to edit each did individuallyyou can just come right in now and planned them all to wherever you wantwe’re gonna go ahead and apply our config now so our cases are inbound andoutbound street are all done we’re ready to start making a receiving telephone calls so that’s the numbers registering tab SMS sothis is going to show you all your deeds that are SMS competent and then you canpick what users are allowed to send and receive SMS ins for each did so we clickhere this one will see none of the users are selected so we can say this userthis user and this user can use this did for SMSand we click on another dead perhap we’ll say select all for those so that a perdid level you pick which customers I love to send and receive SMS and then emergencylistings so this is going to pull in all of our dispatchable spots for thistrunking location so I happen to have six members of them here it’s going to pull inall of our callback sketches so I have three Annina office and Appleton officein an Oshkosh and then we can see the Neenah office the default dispatchablelocation is the Neenah basement location Appleton office is the Appleton officelocation Oshkosh is Oshkosh so if we go look at dispatch places will see wehave a Neenah office first floor second floor third floor in basement and thenAppleton office in an Oscars office now this is where we pick whatextensions are going to be are going to use which callback profiles in whichdispatchable locations so by default it says use the device emergency caller IDwhat this represents is if any of these people are in alcohol 9-1-1 it’s goingto use this up on caller ID which is yourdefault location your default callback chart and location that you set inclearly trunking so over here remember we positioned what is our default callbackprofile it knows it’s this caller ID and it designated that up for us so if we don’tchange these it’s just going to use the default of the outbound road but let’ssay mike is nina role and he works on the first floor paul is nina role buthe’s on the second floor brian is appleton bob is ah mockeries and Jen is Nina butshe’s on the third floor I’ve just mapped all this it’s all safenow so if there’s no Save button real time saves it so general to call 9-1-1right now it would send a 911 the Nina office with the Nina office third-floordispatchable spot then we get into notifications for 911 we’re going to add a brand-new notification now we’re going to call this maincall this Nina Nina so we’re gonna send out a outbound SMS and once know whichof our busters we want to use as the from it for sending out SMS this is the bodyof what’s going to be sent out so it’s gonna be on and then the variable dateand the time emergency call was residence by the variable increase reputation – andthen what they dialed 9-1-1 and then what trunk they used so now you can comein here and put in a register of phone numbers that will receive and these canbe any phone numbers your own cell figures anything that will receive theSMS email is the same way so you’d throw in your from address you get a subjectin a long body and then who’s going to get this email when person announces 911 so that’s SMS and email then for paging you can actually pick any page groupyou’ve set up on your PBX already and it will send the sheet out to that group ofphones in that page group so now we’ve set up our notificationsnow we go to route notifications and we picked for example clearly trunkingemergency and we join it to that new notification we just create that wecalled Nina and save your changes so envision Nina’s all lettuce now SMS emailand page in our lettuce where these are read saying “were not receiving” notificationsfor these streets and we are doneso we’ve set up chunking outbound streets SMS all of our 911 mapto every customer and set up notifications all within five minutes so now for example if we log in to UCPthe free PBX user control panel as a consumer it’s 1001 first thing we can see is I actually hadan SMS set up here already so close this right now okay so here’s our usercontrol panel free PBX we can add some widgets so the first widget we’re goingto add is clearly trunking the emergency search designates actually I missed onething sorry about this back in the clearly device module I’m logged in asextension 1001 if we click this edit icon this is where we can pick whichcallback profiles are allowed to pick fromfrom UCP and with which dispatchable locations are allowed to take from sonow I’m logged in as 1001 in UCP they can click this and pick from what wejust devoted them dispensations far they can real-time change their own and runinformation so we just modified it to Appleton when they work when it was Ninafor Paul so if we freshen in here now we’ll see he’s got Appleton that I’mgoing to too add a widget for SMS by permissions for and from here I canview history so this is history from meanings if I click the little I now Ican see the history of everything that was sentI can delete the history or if I click here I can bring up read and reply back and send and receive my SMS is rightfrom here I can send emojis I can upload imagesfor MMS all right from here so that is thepresentation at this extent while we open up for questions um there is a set ofQ& A section that you can ask any questions you okay Craig Gass how do you add newadditional 9-1-1 locatings okay so in the collect here I can go under productsand assistances dispatchable orientations and from here I can add new ones I pick whatpumpkin location it’s for and then “re going through” the witch jas webinar holds locking up had torestart twice can you repeat all the setup of roads yeah so back in thetrunking module here if we go to clearly trunking it’s just this blue buttonright here so we can actually speedily go and we’ll only deletethe cases routes will delete those just so you cansee this and all we do at once we’ve added ourkey code we just affected this Auto configure make which of our busters we want is themain caller ID for all the routes and affect save and now if we go look on Ralph you’ll actually looked at one you canchange the caller ID if you demanded your dial motif setup for all 1-800 a onein xx and ten digit you any more questions can I be honest SMS only to your numbersor any list no so the SMS and MMS is any any phone number that’s capablereceiving SMS or MMS you can send messages to from UCP and free PBXyou’ll be a full assistance into North America US and Canada sending receivingSMS is from all carriers you okay well I want to thank everyone fortheir hour you know if you have any questions auctions is here at any time toyou know assist you answer questions if you get stuck on technical supportyou know we’ve got free technical support helping you get set up andconfigure if you need help and assistance you know just once you go tothe store you can click on the the brace tie in the supermarket here and opena ticket you can also only call in to our main phone number and made thesupport alternative and you know 90% of meter somebody will answer your call from thesupport team if they’re overloaded you may get voicemail and they’ll have tocall you back but you get free support from us including after hours full 24 by7 for ended outages if you ever have a problem okay well thank you everyone you