The sit: a Pacific Telephonecentral office in Glendale, California, one of the oldest serving switchesin the nation, a 35,000 order step-by-step office, is going to be transferred to an expanded ESS facility. Western Electric Speedy Cutover Service was selected by Pacific Telephone to provide a fast, reliable andeconomical transition from the old-fashioned to the new system. Pieces of the service are explained by Western Electric account representative Rick Snowden. “Speedy Cutover Service is a methodby which installers come into the office to betransitioned from the step or crossbar to ESS, and actually perform the physical gash of the old-time place away from the new office. The’ out of service’ age is just a matter of seconds as compared toprevious methods that took minutes and even up to an hour in some cases.Several installers come to the office maybe a month before the stroke and they analyse the cables to be trimmed and perform connection research to verify tomake sure that they have the exact cable, and move them away from otherexisting equipment.After they’re distinguished they’re tagged sothat on the night of cut it can be a clean operation and nothingelse comes cut.” For this chip 127 hoofs of scaffolding hasto be erected the day before to accommodate the installers cuttingthe cable from the upper portion of the intermediate dispense enclose. On the evening of the cutover 51 installers and 3 supervisors areassigned to cut the 927 cables. Western Electric supervisor Gary Brennan briefs them: “There’s approximately twentycables per person. These cable cutters are sharpened in aspecial style so they are able to cut a clean cut throughthese and not begin any shorts.” Following a short rehearsal the WesternElectric installers wait with cutters ready. Three floors above the IDF enclose Pacific Telephone people are hookedup to the chipped superintendent and TSPS operator who is handling emergency calls.”I will be on that conference lineapproximately one minute before 11. They will give us the dictate to cut as soon as all disaster wrinkles are down.” “Mary Ellen, would you call the operator to make sure there’s no emergency announces inprogress please.” “Hi, this is Mary Ellen at Glendale 11 CGO. Have you got any emergency announces in progress at this time? Good enough – it’s all clear, Don.” “Okay Western, cut the cable.” “Cut it! Let’s cut it! “[ shouts] “Okay! Cut complete! ” “It’s cut.” “Nice trim Western, 47 seconds! ” Western Electric’s Speedy Cutover Service an economical, dependable, immediate response to telephone company needs ..